Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008

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I had a great time in German 102. We had a good class, and we also had the greatest, most enthusiastic and awesome German TA in the world, naturlich. Thanks to Jenny, I will never accidentally make myself seem easy in Bayern.
The main thing I brought away from the culture this time was a better feel for what the division and reunification really meant, and means, for Germans. Somehow I had never really internalized how huge an influence it had. I also had no idea Germans were soap fans.
And I've gotten a chance to get to know the fabulous Herr Kohrmann and of course the guy with the creepy laugh from our test that time. Das is definitely not normal.
Anyway, having been in this class is going to make the couple of weeks I'm hoping to spend in Germany this summer so much more enjoyable. I feel like I know a little bit about what makes Germans themselves and not just Europeans, which is more what the first semester was focused on.
But I am going to have to point out that Icelanders are clearly superior to Germans (and the Dutch) in every aspect possible. Except maybe in economy management.

Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008

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My German experience really widened my views of the world. Before I took German, I did not know anything about Germany except the general facts that I learned in history courses. Through taking these courses, I feel like I got a new perspective on events and life in general. Learning about different cultural preferences that Germans have has gotten me to really realize that there is so much diversity in the world. I have sadly never been out of the U.S., but my interest in Germany and I would love to study in Germany. Experiencing the culture and the language would be so beneficial for me to gain a higher understanding of German culture as well as my own. I have also felt a personal connection in learning German and learning the culture in that I have German ancestry on both sides of my family. My great aunt and uncle moved here around WWII and it has been very cool in being able to understand them when they speak and to know more about their background.

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Since my knowledge of the German people and German culture was limited to start with, this course pretty much taught me everything I currently know about Germany. Which is a little embarrassing since I was born there and my dad speaks (or spoke) fluent German and my ma is half-German. So I'm more than a little happy to know a good deal more about Deutschland.

And the course has also strengthened my resolve to actually go there at some point and feel somewhat confidant that I won't make a complete ass of myself in the process. Especially since we learned about the culture while we learned about the language.

It was also very interesting to see what Germans thought about this country. Although seeing superficial pop up time and again was a little depressing. I've done my best to forget the German word for it and I can only pray that it won't be on the final.


Studying German this year has been a very fun experience. My German has improved so much this semester, and I really want to continue studying either in a University or in Germany. It has been very interesting learning about German history and culture from a German point of view instead of a historical point of view. I covered many of the same events in my history classes that we covered in German class and it was an interesting comparison to make. I've also enjoyed learning about traveling in Europe and stereotypes within the European community. I also have really enjoyed the camaraderie of the classroom experience. I feel like German 102 was a really comprehensive study of all things German and was a very good experience.

Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008

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Studying German this year has helped me to appreciate more of my heritage. My uncle traced back our German roots so that he and his family could live there. Since we visited Germany for a family reunion, I have been interested in learning the language. German 102 has broadened my German base by giving me cultural application as well as a knowledge of the language. The heritage I have from Germany kind of explains how my family is sometimes a little more blunt than American families. My parents tend to be less politically correct and more say it like it is. German culture is similar to that. As an individual that plans on being an international citizen, I find parts of me that can relate to both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Being raised as an immigrant to America, I how important it is to be understanding of both your culture as well as the cultures of others. A lot of times, Germans and Americans have stereotypes of each other that are not conducive to understanding. Obviously these stereotypes are based on some truth, but taken as the extreme, or taken without first getting to know the person, these stereotypes hinder cohesive cooperation. Hopefully I will be more understanding of other cultures.

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Studying German has taught me about the diversity of culture in Germany. Just like there are many regional differences in America, there are many regional differences in Germany. It has reminded me to be sympathetic to foreigners living in the US because it’s shown me how big an adjustment it would be for me to go to Germany, and so it helps me realize how hard it must be for them. Also, it changes the way that I think about the way that Americans relate to the world. I hadn’t realized that what I think of as simple friendliness to strangers would come off as insincere. Also, it’s helped me see the importance of studying a culture to understanding a language, because the two are very closely related in surprising ways. Even though you can translate the words, you don’t always translate the meaning.

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My study of German has showed me that there is so much more to Germany and the German people than I once thought. I first started German in high school because I found the history of Germany and the German-speaking peoples fascinating. Yet my studies have shown me that while their history is a large part of the German identity, it is so much more than that. The modern Germany is a place that has taken the lessons of its past and moved into the modern world, taking a certain way of doing things with it. And as I have studied German and emerged myself deeper in the German culture, I have discovered that many so-called German qualities are qualities that I value myself (a respect for hard-work and a dislike of superficiality being but a couple examples). It is with this in mind that I have decided to turn what was a one-year fun experiment in high school into something that I pursue throughout college and take with me for the rest of my life and that I sincerely hope to be able to travel to Germany and to even to perhaps live there for a bit sometime in the future.

German 102

German 102 was a wonderful experience for me. Especially because our wonderful TA (yes that's you Jenny) was so knowledgeable and enthusiastic in imparting her knowledge to us. I really appreciated what the course added to my world perspective. I feel it is very important for people (especially often egotistical Americans) to understand that there are other cultures in this world which hold just as important of a position in our global society. I especially enjoyed learning some about Germany after WWII. The atrocities which occurred during the war are still hard to grasp, but I think Germans have done as good of a job as anyone could in recovering. Despite the destruction caused by the Nazis, and later the communist regime, Germans have not lost their exquisite, positive, cultural identity.

Still, the Dutch remain the German's (and in fact everyone's) mental, physical, cogent, erotic, professional, and cultural superiors! Sorry Jenny.

Maar minstens is Nederland dicht genoeg bij Duitsland voor u regelmatig te kunnen bezoeken.

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Studying German has helped me know more about the German culture for beforehand, I only stereotyped Germans as dark, angry, and obedient-like people, but now I see that they are more liberal, suspicious of who to trust, and laid-back than America. I've learned that I can relate to the personality of the country and have started to listen to more German music too so as to see if I can translate/understand what is being said. I've met many Germans in America and all of them were very friendly and nice, all even asked me to come visit. From studying German I've learned that in order to really understand, appreciate, and compare cultures, a person must learn that other culture before any assumptions can be created.

German Culture

Studying German Culture has made me realize that Germany is in fact quite a diverse country. Before taking German, I had a fairly stereotypical picture of the average German, probably akin to German characters I had seen in movies. I now understand that there are many differences among German people, especially depending on the area of Germany in which they live.

I also have learned that in many ways Germans are quite similar to Americans. They have fairly similar daily lives and have a lot of the same interests as Americans do. At the same time, it's been interesting to explore the differences in the two cultures, particularly the way that Germans approach people that they do not know. Knowing of these differences, I think I would be more welcoming and open-minded when meeting German people in the U.S. Whereas before I might have thought a German person who I did not know was cold or rude, I would now understand that a lack of friendliness might simply be a cultural difference.

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I have always had a lot of interest in European cultures, especially German speaking ones. Taking this course and learning more about German speaking cultures has taught me a lot about them that I didn't know. I found out how Germans viewed Americans and why they thought this way. For example, I had heard that Germans saw Americans as superficial, and after understanding the German culture and way of life, I could see how they interpreted American culture in this way. I also had interest in Germans and Germany because most of my family and ancestors are German. By learning German and culture, I am also learning about my families culture. I find many of the German customs very interesting and really enjoy learning more about them.
Studying German-speaking cultures has demonstrated that German-speaking people can come from vastly different cultures, from Switzerland to Austria to North versus South Germany to the West versus the East. Just as not all Americans are alike, not all German speaking people are the same. I have also learned not to make assumptions about German behavior. Just as Germans ought not to assume that Americans do not make make good friends just because they don't invest a lot of time in getting to know every person they are friendly toward, Americans ought not to assume that Germans are unfriendly just because it takes a long time for them to feel comfortable with someone. Because my  grandfather came to the United States from Germany but refused to talk about his homeland, studying about German-speaking cultures has broadened my understanding of the sort of culture he came from despite the fact that he did not feel comfortable talking about. It has also helped explain some of his personal traits and behavior, which retained their German character.      

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Studying the German-speaking cultures has changed my perspective on many things. First of all, I am much more aware of foreigners living in the United States. I had never expected that Germans would find Americans superficial. In the South it is very common to be friendly to someone you don't know, and I never thought that that would come off as superficial, but I guess if you don't keep up the friendly behavior it is superficial. I did feel when I was in Germany that Germans were colder, but it learning this difference in the cultures helped me to understand that they are just private people. I think that I've also learned a lot about German culture outside Octoberfest and beer. I've learned about their history, their culture, and things that are particular to Germans. This class has made me interested in going back to Germany and revisiting my previous assumptions about the country and the people.


Studying German cultures has taught me how to see my culture in a different way. I didn't realize how stupid "What's up?" is since we are not expected to actually, truthfully respond. It has changed part of my identity because I now understand more about my birthplace and first life experiences. I was born in Germany and there are many pictures of me as a baby in front of various Germany attractions and sights. I enjoy learning about the German culture because my parents told me many things about living there, and i don't remember experiencing them. In class, it reinforced these things, yet in an academic manner. I sympathize for foreign people living in America that were not aware of the culture ahead of time. There are huge differences between America and Germany, yet I still would like to experience living in Germany.